Lightroom Presets from SLR Lounge!

To make our editing processes easier, we use a streamlined process to get our shots from in-camera RAW to exported JPEG files. We rely heavily on Adobe Ligthroom 4/5 along with the Lightroom Presets v4 provided by the awesome writers of SLR Lounge. Here is a general flow from editing a RAW file to the final black & white image of one of the recent engagement shoot.

The first shot is the RAW shot straight from camera, slightly cropped from the left. The second image is adding the "Standard Import w/PC" which is applied to every shot in the beginning and brightened 1/2 stop using "Preset 05 Lighten". In general, I shoot every shot slightly underexposed in most lighting situations to avoid blown out portions of the shot. The third image is after adding "High Contrast Film" and a slight vignette. I find this B&W to give a very nice contrast on the tone curve and the dramatic look that I expect from a B&W shot. The last shot is using a preset called "Whimsical Yellow" which adds a warm look that you expect from the warm sunlight at the beach... which didn't exactly happen this day. These presets are awesome and makes editing very easy! Highly recommended to anyone who is using Lightroom for processing their photos. SLR Lounge Lightroom Presets